Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN discusses how this week’s Neptune retrograde & the Cancer New Moon



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses how this week’s Neptune retrograde & the Cancer New Moon June 28 & its sextile energies set the stage for us to organize, mobilize, & execute plans that promote honoring our intuitive matriarchal cycles of the feminine divine! What are our dreams & how can we ensure they’re reality-based for the future?Join us for a thought-provoking discussion, along with more Astro News You Can Use--including Mars’ disruptive & potentially cardinal square to Pluto July 1, Mercury trine Saturn & square Neptune July 2, Mercury quincunx Pluto July 3, & Mars entrance into Gemini & Mercury’s into Cancer July 4/5! Tune in live or listen later! See you then! Namaste…