Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the waning Sagittarius Full Moon



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the waning Sagittarius Full Moon’s attempt to get us to understand the big picture rather than remaining mired in the Gemini archetype’s hyper-focus on details--especially if those details prove not to be factually true!Join me to explore how this June 14 lunation, followed by the Mars/Chiron conjunction in Aries June 15 & the Gemini Sun’s square to deceptive Neptune in Pisces June 16 can help us speak out about previously deceptive information that does NOT lead to higher consciousness. AND how the Sun’s trine to Saturn in Aquarius June 16 allows us greater clarity about the world---& our role in it--as it is now, not as we WISH it would be.Plus, more Astro News You Can Use, including the Venus/Saturn square & Venus sextile to Neptune June 18, & the Sun’s frictional 150-degree aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, which urges us to to make powerfully meaningful adjustments through societal reforms now as we gear up for the Sun’s entrance into nurturing Cancer at the June 21