Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN discusses what triggered the Ulvide, Texas, grammar school massacre



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses what triggered the Ulvide, Texas, grammar school massacre this week & how current astrological aspects factor into the May 30 Gemini New Moon’s higher message/meaning for us all. Tune in to learn more about the chart of this horrible tragedy & its resulting calls for change, along with the intense Venus square Pluto reactions May 26/27--followed by Venus’s entrance into calmer Taurus May 28 & the continued potentially explosive energy of the Mars/Jupiter exact conjunction in Aries May 29.Don’t miss all this & more Astro News You Can Use, including what seeds the Gemini New Moon on May 30 will ask us to plant to ensure a more harmonious future. Join us live or later! Namaste…