Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN: Mercury’s retrograde, Jupiter’s in Aries, & the Scorpio Full Moon lunar eclipse



SHERI HORN HASAN: Mercury’s retrograde, Jupiter’s in Aries, & the Scorpio Full Moon lunar eclipse is coming--oh my! Can we pause to review now how to best mobilize & expand the fight against forces hell-bent on resisting the laws of nature?Will this Scorpio Full Moon lunar eclipse necessitate recognizing & then releasing this nation’s wounded values as Venus meets Chiron in Aries May 15? Is Saturn in Aquarius--squared by both the Scorpio Moon & Taurus Sun AND square the transiting karmic nodes--asking us to choose between self-gratification & duty/obligation to others? And when the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces then too can we be of service to those in need without any delusions as we approach a Mars/Neptune conjunction May 17/18 & Sun trine Pluto May 19?Join us for a discussion of all this Astro News You Can Use!—and how this pivotal eclipse & the U.S. Pluto return factor into the very necessity of embracing evolutionary change as a matter of our long-term survival! Tune in live