Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN discusses being in between eclipses as the Taurus Sun/Uranus conjunction shocked Venus



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses being in between eclipses as the Taurus Sun/Uranus conjunction shocked Venus in Aries into the streets to fight the patriarchal bureaucracy over women’s rights! Mercury approaches his retrograde station & Jupiter enters martial Aries on May 10—all while Saturn’s still square the transiting nodal axis & leading to the Scorpio Full Moon eclipse on May 15/16.Join me for this and more Astro News You Can Use, including whether Mercury’s retrograde period will be more about killing the messenger than discussing the actual message, what old values need to be replaced with newer more meaningfully appropriate ones, & whether the shift of Venus and (soon) Jupiter into Aries will continue to set a fighting tone…Tune in live or listen later! See you then! Namaste…