Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN on the hidden healing properties of the Aries New Moon/Chiron March 31/April 1



SHERI HORN HASAN on the hidden healing properties of the Aries New Moon/Chiron March 31/April 1--when we may plant seeds to soothe our karmic wounds--especially since Venus squares the transiting karmic nodal axis then, too!Plus, more Astro News You Can Use, including explosive Mars uniting with rigid Saturn in Aquarius April 4, Mars square the nodal axis, while Venus enters empathic but gullible Pisces April 5, & Mercury sextiles Saturn April 7 & Mars April 8. All this as we approach the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces April 12 when Saturn waxes into closer square to the transiting nodal axis then, too! What's it all mean? Fine out when you tune in live or listen later! See ya then! Namaste…