Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN: The Virgo Full Moon March 18 urges us to break free from fantasy, get a grip on reality



SHERI HORN HASAN: The Virgo Full Moon March 18 urges us to break free from fantasy, get a grip on reality, & tell the truth! We’re empowered by the Sun’s sextile to Pluto then, too, as we align personal goals with those of the collective now, although our need for freedom & flexibility within relationships heightens when Venus squares Uranus March 19! Meanwhile, when the Sun enters martial Aries at the Spring Equinox April 20, followed by a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction, the fight for freedom of choice reigns supreme. Join me for more Astro News You Can Use & a deeper dive into all of this--including Mars square Uranus March 22 & the Mercury/Neptune conjunction March 23! We’ll also look at how a lack of water in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chart helps him move grown men to tears and successfully enlist their sympathy & support! Tune in live or listen later! See ya then! Namaste…