Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN Discusses the costs & benefits of freedom & how “to thine own self be true”



SHERI HORN HASAN Discusses the costs & benefits of freedom & how “to thine own self be true” means independent action vs. groupthink in the wake of the Leo Full Moon February 16. In addition, how the Mars/Venus conjunction in Capricorn--& Mercury’s recent reentrance into Aquarius--set the stage for more rational negotiated future agreements. And how this helps quell the impatience of Jupiter’s sextile to Uranus February 17 to ensure fortuitous outcomes. Join us for this and more Astro News You Can Use, including the Sun’s move into empathic, intuitive, psychic, collective soul oriented “yes, I CAN walk a mile in your shoes, my friend,” Neptune-ruled Pisces February 18! Listen live or later! See ya then! Namaste…