Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN: How do we define our TRUE values in relationship now that Venus is retrograde



SHERI HORN HASAN: How do we define our TRUE values in relationship now that Venus is retrograde & heading toward her second of three liaisons with Pluto in Capricorn on December 25 following Saturn’s final 2021 square to Uranus of December 23/24, 2021? Join me to discuss this AND Jupiter in Aquarius’s exact square to the transiting karmic Nodes December 27 & his re-entrance into Pisces December 28 as Mars quincunxes Uranus, Mercury conjoins Venus & Mars sextiles Saturn December 29, & Mercury conjoins Pluto December 30…PLUS, a look at the charts actor Chris Noth & Senator Joe Machine & how Venus Rx & her conjunctions to Pluto in Capricorn are affecting them now!