Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN: Neptune's station direct as we approach the Sagittarius New Moon



SHERI HORN HASAN: Neptune's station direct as we approach the Sagittarius New Moon solar eclipse December 3/4 asks how can we grow in consciousness about what is our soul’s REAL truth? How do we adjust our concept of justice to fit our changing values as both luminaries quincunx Uranus in Taurus? Join us for this & more Astro News You Can Use as the opportunity to better understand ourselves arises under Mars sextile to Pluto December 6, but Mercury’s square to Neptune December 7 may confuse future plans with righteous arrogance, while Mars’s square to Jupiter then too may cause us trouble if we leap before we look! We’ll examine the signs coming at us from the macrocosm of the collective! Listen live or to the recording later! Namaste…