Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN: Where do we still resist evolutionary change vs. preparing to adapt to a new future reality?



SHERI HORN HASAN: Where do we still resist evolutionary change vs. preparing to adapt to a new future reality? The waning phase of the October 20 Aries Full Moon prepares us now for planting seeds of evolutionary soul growth at the Scorpio New Moon November 4—IF we’re brave enough to let go & adapt! Meanwhile, the Scorpio Sun’s fixed square to Saturn in Aquarius October 30 may dampen our spirits even further, though Mars enters Scorpio that day too to support us in our mission to look deeper into ourselves for answers. Join us for this & more Astro News You Can Use, including Mercury’s quincunx to Neptune & trine to Jupiter, & his square to Pluto all by November 2 leading up to the Scorpio New Moon! We’ll also squeeze in a look at the charts of Alec Baldwin, & Senators Krysten Sinema & Joe Machin just for fun! See you later! Namaste…