Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

DIANNE LAWSON discusses Libra season & Mercury’s upcoming retrograde



DIANNE LAWSON discusses Libra season & Mercury’s upcoming retrograde in Libra--the sign of harmony, peace, balance, negotiation, & compromise within relationships starting September 26/27! BUT will we be forced to rethink, renegotiate, revise, etc., our plans and partnerships between now and October 18 when Mercury stations direct again? for this and more Astro News You Can Use, including Mars trine to Saturn September 25, Venus trine Neptune & the Sun’s trine to Saturn September 29. PLUS, Dianne will discuss what this Mercury retrograde may bring as it transits square to President Joe Biden’s natal 8th House Jupiter in Cancer and rocks ‘n rolls over his 11th H Venus’s Libra-ruled cusp! Tune in live or listen later! See ya Thursday! Namaste…