Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP29: CLAUDIA CAUDHILL, professional astrologer, life coach, and author



CLAUDIA CAUDHILL, professional astrologer, life coach, and author, as we discuss next week’s Jupiter ingress into the sign of Scorpio on October 10 for the next year! What are the implications of this annual sign shift? How will this morph the direction of our energies? Jupiter in Libra has had a strong effect on the polarization of relationships this past year—will Jupiter in Scorpio do the same? Will secrets be revealed, hidden issues unearthed? In short, will we see a higher level expansion of consciousness around memories of people and issues long buried in our subconscious? And how can we handle these issues when they arise? Much food for thought and discussion! Also, we’ll look at today’s Aries Full Moon, the recent Las Vegas tragedy, and Venus & Mars impending squares to Saturn. Join us for a full hour of astrological insight! #Jupiter, #Scorpio, #Aries, #Full Moon, #Moon, #astrologer, #consciousness, #relationships, #polarization, #Las Vegas, #Venus, #Mars, #tragedy