Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP25: ALEX TRENOWETH, professional astrologer, author, & educator



Join this week’s guest ALEX TRENOWETH, professional astrologer, author, & educator, who’ll discuss astrology, student’s learning styles, & education! With back-to-school week looming here in the U.S., you won’t want to miss this if you’re a parent, teacher, astrologer, astrology enthusiast, or just plain interested in HOW we learn best based on astrological insight! Alex will cover how to bring astrology into mainstream education and offer a "real world" application of our starry wisdom! She’s written several books on the subject & we’ll be sure to pick her brain about what works best for kids (& adults!) with different learning styles! Plus, Mercury retrograde back to Leo & meets Mars there at the eclipse degree! What to expect leading up to next week’s Pisces Full Moon? Join us & find out! #back-to-school, #school, #learning, #astrology, #student, #education, #teacher, #wisdom, #Mercury, #retrograde, #eclipse, #Leo, #Mars