Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

EP21: Patricia Walsh, evolutionary astrologer, author, & past life regression practitioner!



Patricia will talk about identifying past life karma in the natal chart, Roger Woolger’s Deep Memory Process (DMP) regression techniques--which she both practices & teaches--& evolutionary astrology in general. Also on tap is all the news you can use about Uranus stationing retrograde August 3, & the upcoming August 7 & 21 lunar and solar eclipses, respectively! Lots to talk about, so be sure not to miss this undoubtedly interesting discussion about how to identify in your own horoscope issues or energetic patterns leftover from a past life that may be holding you back now! (Also, please note that you can listen to the recording of this show through the same link posted above!) #evolutionary, #past life, #regression, #karma, #natal, #chart, #horoscope, #Uranus, #station, #retrograde, #eclipses, #memory, #solar, #lunar