Money Matters With Wes Moss

Russia Vs. Ukraine Vs. Your Retirement



We’ve all seen the headlines recently — #BidensWar, #StockMarketCrash, and so on. From a pandemic to a slower moving crisis, the current state of these geopolitical issues has led to market uncertainty and volatility. However, in this phase of world issues, we’ve found it best to analyze similar moments in history to help us understand what’s to come. During this episode, Wes references historical corollaries to help listeners grasp what the future holds for the market. Wes also simplifies the current state of military issues, explains what these issues mean for the United States, and how this can scare investors. Further, he shares historical market averages, a pattern in market corrections, and stresses why our best weapon against turning temporary losses into permanent losses is understanding the market. Wes concludes the episode by explaining how dry powder can provide a bridge to the other side of this difficult time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit