Life Over Pain

Life Over Pain - Bella Paige - An Adrenaline Junkie Pays It Back



Bella Paige was a highly competitive show jumper as a younger girl.  And she LOVED it.  The adrenaline rush alone might have been enough to keep her going but she loved the competition, the horses, all of it.  She planned to compete and show horses for the rest of her life.  Sadly, injuries intervened.  In any sport having to do with 1200 pound animals you can bet that injuries will come, and often.  But highly competitive, driven athletes (even young ones) often don't share their pain with others, nor do they ask for help.  So Bella kept competing in spite of accumulating injuries and increasing pain.  But, finally, sadly she had to stop and she had to drop out of school to heal.Such a set back can be emotionally crushing, and it was for Bella.  It took a great deal of time,  many dark days with little to brighten them, and a vast amount of help for her to come through her emotional and physical struggles.  And she's not done.  Bella works on herself everyday.  She's found dirt bikes to replac