Adp: Col. Kevin Randle (ret), Phd

Kevin Randle Interviews - CALVIN PARKER - Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter - My Story



On October 11th, 1973 nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker and his friend forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson were spending a frustrating evening fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. In the early evening both men were startled when a strange craft descended and hovered a few feet above the ground and just a few yards from their location. Before they had any chance to run, an opening appeared in this craft and out ‘floated’ three humanoid creatures. Both men were absolutely terrified when these creatures grabbed them and took them aboard the craft. On the craft both men were subjected to an examination. Minutes later both Parker and Hickson were dropped back on the riverbank and the craft departed. Taking off in their car the two terrified witnesses eventually located a public telephone and a short time later they were being interviewed at their local sheriff’s office. The two told their story of their close encounter. The next day all hell was let loose as the press descended on this unsuspecting Mississ