Adp: Col. Kevin Randle (ret), Phd

Kevin Randle Interviews - DR.THOMAS EDDIE BULLARD - Abduction and UFO Myths



Thomas Eddie Bullard was born in North Carolina in 1949 and developed an early interest in flying saucers thanks to Friday and Saturday nights at the movies, where he saw such classics as "Earth Versus the Flying Saucers". Sputnik inspired him to begin reading the newspapers and he no sooner started than the Levelland sightings piqued his curiosity. He began to read all the UFO publications he could find--Keyhoe's books, Dick Hall's "The UFO Evidence", Fate, Ray Palmer's Flying Saucers--and he eventually joined NICAP and APRO in the 1960s.After spending his undergraduate years at the University of North Carolina, Bullard went to graduate school in Folklore at Indiana University, and wrote his dissertation on UFOs, completing his doctoral degree in 1982.During his research he scanned a great many newspapers for reports of the 1896-97 airship and other pre-1947 sightings. He continued this work by traveling to state archives and began issuing collections of this material as The Airship File in 1982. When the Fu