Sales Reinvented

Humans Communicate with Story with Melissa Madian, Ep #314



Anyone can learn to incorporate storytelling into their day-to-day activities. Some people are more comfortable telling stories than others—but we’re all human. As humans, we tend to communicate via story, whether we actively recognize it or not. Even if you feel like you aren’t a natural storyteller, you likely are, you just aren’t aware that you can tell an effective story. Melissa Madian shares how to communicate with story in this episode of Sales Reinvented.  Outline of This Episode [1:13] What storytelling is an important skill to possess [1:58] Why Melissa believes storytelling can be learned [3:11] The ingredients of a story that sells [5:42] The attributes and characteristics of a great storyteller [7:16] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [8:18] Melissa’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:27] How humans communicate with story The ingredients of a story that sells Melissa’s husband is a screenwriter. His whole job is to tell great stories. According to him, a great story consists of a