Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

You Just Got An Autoimmune Diagnosis … Now What?



This week’s guest, Lynda Dyer from shared with me when we first met one of her many mantras “You are in charge of you” and in this episode of Life Interrupted Radio you will discover Lynda's tips and techniques to help you heal in ways most other professionals will never tell you - most don't even know! Lynda, author of the new bestseller “You Can Make It Happen Now. Life After Lupus… Healing Your Immune System” will share with us:The triggers of autoimmune diseaseHow fear plays into your healingHow an acidic body can harm you and what to do to change itHow to tap into your true healing potential And ways to answer the powerful, life changing question "How can I respond rather than react?"When you listen to this episode at you will also discover what’s some of the first signs you might have an autoimmune condition, what your sinus and bowels have in common and how your emotions make you body more acidic are just a few of the gems she shares.