Intuitive Transformations

The Thought Exchange with David Friedman



Aired Sunday, 19 July 2015, 9:00 PM ETWhat if there was a simple and easy way to improve your life?What if achieving real and lasting change in your life were as simple as connecting with the sensations you experience in your physical body?Just about everyone has heard of The Law of Attraction and the importance that is placed upon feeling good and thinking positive uplifting thoughts as often as possible.We live in a society that stresses the importance of feeling good and entices us with the promise of joy and happiness. As a result, many people will do whatever they can think to avoid entertaining negative thoughts and feelings in the hopes that their lives, their relationships, and their livelihood will change and improve.Joining Sylvia on today’s show is David Friedman, musical composer and the creator of The Thought Exchange process. David will share from two books he has written that take a revolutionary look at the healing power of negative thoughts and uncomfortable sensations.If you are ready for re