Intuitive Transformations

The Art of Receiving



Aired Sunday, 24 May 2015, 9:00 PM ETDo you feel uncomfortable receiving compliments, assistance, support, and nurturing from others?Is it more comfortable for you to say, “No, thank you,” or “I don’t need any help” when someone offers to freely gift you with their time, money, energy, assistance, or support?If you answered “Yes” to either of those questions be sure to listen to this show.The Art of Receiving gives you permission to allow and receive all the goodness that is available in our abundant Universe and to allow it to freely and easily flow into your life with open hearted receptivity and gratitude.Of course, giving to others will make your heart soar, but when you live your life from the age old edict, “It is better to give then it is to receive,” then receiving from others may be uncomfortable and difficult for you.Even if you adamantly believe that life is on your side and that the Universe abounds with an abundance of goodness that has your name written all over it, you may be blocking yourself