Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




YOU ARE LISTENING TO EPISODE 402 WITH AUTHOR KING TEASDELL & JERRY ROYCE LIVE.AUTHOR KING TEASDELL, a graduate of the Paul Laurence Dunbar's health magnet program, King worked @ Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, which opened his introduction into attending a small Quaker college in Richmond Indiana, called Earlham College.While in attendance there, King began his studies into biology, psychology, philosophy and sociology.Being drawn to the need of help people, King later became a Cardiac Rescue Technician through the Baltimore City Fire department to becoming an Advance Life Support Paramedic in Emergency Medicine.Because of these experiences, (just to name a few), King was led into the endeavors of discovering the deeper spiritual meaning of Life and Love.From these, he has become the founder and Vessels of The Souls Of Life Society and is authoring a soon to be released book entitled, "THE POWER OF CHOICE, Path of Divine Royalty to Conquer Darkness.