Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

ALEX PANG/REST: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less 12/07/16



In our 24-7 global economy, RESTfeels like a luxury at best and a weakness at worst. We see work and rest as competitors - but what if they're actually partners in a productive, balanced life?Indeed, knowing how to rest well turns out to be the secret to how many writers, scientists, and artists managed to be creative and prolific, while having less harried and busy lives than ours.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT Show guest - Alex Pang, author of REST: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less - shares scientific research,along with examples of writers, painters and thinkers - from Darwin to Stephen King - to expose how we've underestimated the power of rest for our success. Though it's as natural as breathing, REST is also a skill we can all learn to boost our creativity and productivity.We'll explore three big ideas:Work and rest are partners.We normally think of rest as the opposite of work, or a negative space defined only by the absence of work. Conversations about “work-life balance” imply that work and rest