Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

BRIGID SCHULTE / OVERWHELMED: Work, Love & Play When No One Has The Time 5/20/15



In the midst of our fast-fast world,filled with time pressure and stress -it's no wonder nearly every one of usfeels OVERWHELMED.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Brigid Schulte -author of OVERWHELMED: Work, Love, And Play When No One Has The Time - as a harriedmother of two, was stunned by a report that insisted American women had 30 hours of leisure each week ... and set out to discover the roots that give riseto overwhelm in our modern life.It's no wonder so many feel time is like a “rabid lunatic” running naked and screaming as your life flies past you - as we worry about all there is to do and the pressure of feeling like we’re never have enough time to do it all, or do it well.Brigid, an award-winning journalist for the Washington Post,set out to understand the historical and cultural roots of overwhelm, and will share how it is “contaminating” our experience of time, how time pressure and stress is resculpting our brains and shaping our workplaces, our relationships and squeezing the space that the Gree