Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

GREGG BRADEN / THE TURNING POINT: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes 2/4/15



There's a WAY crisis can become transformation … a WAY simply surviving can become joyous thriving! Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Gregg Braden - author of THE TURNING POINT: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes and keynote speaker for the Conscious Life Expo ("Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes" Keynote & Post Conference Intensive -LA - Feb. 6th-9th, 2015 - www.consciouslifeexpo) - says that, in our lives, that time is The Turning Point ... and that, in our world, that time is now!Gregg shares that we live in a time of extremes. And because the conditions of global finance, markets, resources, and jobs touch so much of our lives, we can no longer separate our everyday routines from the extremes of the world. The crises of climate change, extreme weather, and failing economies, for example, translate directly into the cost of the fuel that gets us back and forth to work each day; the interest we pay on our loans and that we're in turn paid on our savings; the loss of neighborhood businesses