Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner




As an entrepreneur, you’re heeding the call to bring something new into the world ... building something that matters ... doing something larger than yourself ...that makes YOU a hero.Yet, so many of us suffocate in our cubicles; we’re afraid to become the hero of our own life story. We need modern-day guidance for the innovator whose creativity is stifled, the job hunter losing hope, the spiritual seeker afraid of financial success, the professional who no longer feels connected and fulfilled. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest David Howitt, author of HEED YOUR CALL: Integrating Myth, Science, Spirituality and Business, shares that "Life is not an either/or prospect - you can have it all."Inspired by anthropologist Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey,” David shares how to facilitate meaningful success without sacrificing heart, including:• THE POWER OF “AND”: Life doesn’t have to be an “either/or” affair. By embracing our duality — the poet AND the scientist, the computer programmer AND the musician, the pare