Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner




DIANNE COLLINS / DO YOU QUANTUMTHINK?THE “QUANTUM” DISCOVERY IS THAT MIND DOES MATTER. The science that gave rise to the Industrial Age saw the universe as machine. The more accurate science today views the universe as mind. When we learn how to use and master the natural creation faculties of our own mind, life becomes easier, more exciting and ever more fulfilling. This level of mastery in living and understanding opens the possibility of solving the pressing issues in our world today as we have never done before, as well as giving us a true sense of command in our business, professional and personal worlds. NEW TIMES REQUIRE NEW THINKINGWe all know it’s time to think in a new way. New thinking.Not just an innovative or clever idea.It’s an entirely different basis for thinking.But how do we do that?Dianne Collins, author of "Do You QuantumThink?" shows us the way - an essential body of knowledge being revealed at the perfect time.A new basis for our thinking means: * Different assumptions, beliefs an