Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

Ann Bolinger-McQuade/EVERYDAY ORACLES 07/17/13



Ever wonder if that recurring dream meant something? Do you see certain shapes in the clouds - maybe a loved one’s face ...or hear an extremely relevant song playing on the radio related to a friend you've lost ...? Have you experienced serendipitous events and brushed them off as a coincidence?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, spiritual teacher Ann Bolinger-McQuade, author of EVERYDAY ORACLES: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us," reveals that, if we allow ourselves to stop, look, and listen .. we can identify what Ann calls personal oracles.Chances are that your personal oracles, the “everyday miracles that often go unnoticed,” are trying to speak to you. And when we tune into these subtle messages from Spirit, we may discover guidance for navigating life's most trying situations.Personal oracles take different forms - conduits, mirrors, synchronicities, signs and symbols - and have played a role in the lives of many well-known to us all, from Socrates, John Lennon, Forest Whitaker, Lucille