Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

ADAM GRANT/GIVE AND TAKE: Why Givers (Often) Succeed 05/15/13



Givers vs. Takers:The Surprising Truth about Who Gets AheadWhy some people rise to the top of the success ladder,while others sink to the bottom?Is it "survival of the fittest" - the strongest, and most selfish, win?Surprisingly, as much as it may seem so - no.It turns out that success involves a blend of effective networking,collaboration, influence, and leadership skills -plus an increasingly important factor:our styles of exchanging value - our "reciprocity profile."Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Adam Grant, Wharton professor and author of "GIVE AND TAKE: A Revolutionary Approach to Success," reveals that those who succeed at the highest levels are not selfish takers - but generous givers.In Adam's extensive research, it turns outthat in professional interactions,most people operate as either takers, matchers, or givers.Whereas takers strive to claim as much value as possibleand matchers aim to trade value evenly, givers are the rare breedwho contribute to others without expecting anything in return.Adam