Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

Jim Katsoulis/DREAMSETTING 02/29/12



As much lip service as we pay to Goalsetting - you'd think that actually setting goals would pay off in a much bigger way than it seems is the case - New Year's resolutions as the biggest, and perhaps most disappointing, case in point.That's why I invited my ConsciousSHIFT Show guest Jim Katsoulis to share with you some powerful, paradigm-shifting truth. And we're going to share with you exactly how why Dreamsetting is much more powerful - as Jim reveals exactly why Goalsetting doesn't work ... and share his best-kept secret for turning your most cherished dreams into accomplishments.You'll begin to understand why, up to this point, you may have fallen short of the success you know you're here to experience ... and how - by making a few simple adjustments in your mind set, attitude, and behavior - your lifelong dreams can finally become a reality. Join us for this powerful ConsciousSHIFT Show!