Do It With Dan

What it Takes to go Your Own Way | Jim Barrood



Some of us fancy ourselves as entrepreneurs, but do we fully understand what that means? It’s easy to become mesmerised by that lifestyle, or our perception of it, without giving thought to what it will take. Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Whether you want to manifest more wealth, emotional abundance or love in your life; this is the podcast for you. This week’s podcast guest is also a podcast host! Jim Barrood hosts the A Few Things With Jim Barrood podcast. He speaks to entrepreneurs from all over the world, much like Daniel, with a view to expanding the listeners’ understanding of exactly what they’re getting themselves into. The show focuses on discussions with leaders in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and startup ecosystems. Daniel’s episode of A Few Things with Jim Barrood: