Positive Phil Show

Gary Michelson is on the Positive Phil Show.



Gary Michelson is on the show....Dr. Gary Michelson is a board certified orthopedic spinal surgeon, inventor of more than 990 patents throughout the world, the founder and funder of three private foundations, recipient of numerous awards, and among a small group of individuals to ever be inducted into both the National Inventors Hall of Fame and the National Academy of Inventors. SOCIAL LINKS (twitter, facebook, linkedin) if applicable:Michelson Medical Foundation: www.twitter.com/MichelsonMedRFwww.facebook.com/michelsonmedicalwww.instagram.com/garymichelsonmmrf20MM Foundation:www.twitter.com/michelson20mmwww.facebook.com/Michelson20MMwww.instagram.com/michelsonimpactFound Animals Foundation:www.twitter.com/FoundAnimalsOrgwww.facebook.com/foundanimalswww.instagram.com/foundanimalsDr. Gary Michelson is a board-certified orthopedic spinal surgeon and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, as well as an inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist and humane advocate. As a child, Dr. Michelson was