Invisible Booth Stories

Invisible Booth Stories: A Black Women’s Response to the College Cheating Scandal



Invisible Booth Stories: A weekly set of stories, interviews, and discussions from the perspective of people of colour about what life is like In Living Colour. Today’s episode reflects on the college cheating scandal that has hit the airwaves. Hey All! I’m your host Eose & I went to one of the top Ivy League schools caught up in the scandal, and when I heard about the scandal I was angry but then I cried - I did. Why you ask? Well it made me reflect on my own journey as a woman of colour. Getting into the Ivy League school was a challenge alone- having battling homelessness, starvation, to cover the cost to get into the school, application fees, traveling expenses for interviews etc- but I was faced with an even more of a challenge once I gain admittance from the “Elite” -making it known that I didn’t belong and I had to prove it every day that I was good ENOUGH to be there. So when the scandal broke I was left w a lot of emotions. I didn’t know where to place it - so instead of sweeping it away - I deci