Astrologically Speaking With Sheri




SUN ENTERS LIBRA & MEETS MERCURY RETROGRADE SEPTEMBER 22--& BOY DO THEY HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT AS MERCURY REENTERS VIRGO SEPTEMBER 23 & WE APPROACH THE LIBRA NEW MOON SEPTEMBER 25!If we’ve released our obsession with perfection & removed any rose-colored glasses through which we view others as “perfect,” we may now become empowered enough to plant seeds at this Libra New Moon that will grow into a more balanced, equitable, fair, & loving harmonious relationship with ourselves! After all, balance within equals balance without…We can tackle reviewing difficult subjects now, too, as long as we don’t become so overly optimistic that we lose sight of thedetails. It may be Libra season, but Mercury’s still retrograde & moving back into Virgo September, so details MATTER!Join SHERI HORN HASAN for a look at all this & more Astro News You Can Use on Thursday, September 22—including next week’s Mercury Rx/Venus conjunction in Virgo & Sun/Jupiter opposition September 26, Mercury trine P