Pacey Performance Podcast

Data science, data visualisation and evaluating the effectiveness of a programme with Johann Windt



This week's guest on the Pacey Performance Podcast is Johann Windt. Johann is Head of Performance Data Science at the Vancouver Whitecaps in MLS. He is a strength and conditioning coach turned data scientist and it is this transition which makes Johann such an interesting person to speak to. He is able to speak "coach". He "gets" what happens in the weightroom and on the field and is able to integrate that mindset into his discussions on complex topics. In this episode he chats with Rob about what data science actually is. It has gained a perception of being a mystical thing that goes on in dark rooms with staff who don't speak to each other. However, when done well its quite the opposite. He speaks about how data science is being used to help every other department at the club answer important questions. "Is this piece of technology valid?" or "what effect is this intervention having on our players?" He finishes off the conversation by reflecting on his recent article for Sportsmith on data visualisation and