Pacey Performance Podcast

Debunking 5 myths on speed training and getting team sport athletes FAST with Pete Burridge



On today's episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is Pete Burridge. Pete is First Team Athletic Performance Coach at Bristol Bears and heads up the speed training element of the programme. He recently wrote an article on Sportsmith which detailed a number of myths that surround this area and how we can debunk them. This podcast dives even deeper into 5 of them. We tackled 1) "You can't coach speed", 2) Technical models are a waste of time for team sports, 3) You can’t change a movement pattern that engrained, 4) Speed is too risky to train 5) They already get speed exposures in session. But not only that, given that Pete has shared his exact sessions (see viral tweet), Rob asks him to expand on what he is doing and why within his speed training sessions. If you're interested in getting insights into speed training from someone who is living it each and everyday, press play on your chose podcast player. You can find us on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify and all other podcast stations. Today's main talking points -