About That Evans Life

"Just Step Over It!" How to Maneuver Through Life's Obstacles to Find Your Purpose with Shawnte Mckinnon



Ep. 36 Shawnte Mckinnon is an unconventionalist. Her path has been marked and shaped by the conundrums of life, which has placed her on a journey of non-traditional choices. Shawnte clearly believes there is definitely “more than one way to skin a cat.” “I believe that there are walls designed to block ‘you’ in particular. Whether it’s physical, mental, or spiritual, there are walls that present themselves from the moment you are formed in your mother’s womb. The key is not to be consumed by those walls, but to work around them by any means necessary. The method is your choice. You can climb over it, pick the wall apart brick by brick, go under it, or walk around it; however, get past those walls. The walls were never designed to move for you—their job is to block you, but you were designed to move beyond it.” It was Shawnte’s walls that led her to enlist in the United States Air Force and subsequently earn her business degree where she then forged a successful career all while working her way up the corporat