About That Evans Life

How To Stand True To Your Values in Stand Up Comedy with Melanie Hearn



Melanie Hearn, a Detroit native had dreams of going to law school and into law enforcement. She knew she had a passion for comedy but like most she stuck to the plan that her family set for her. Get good grades, go to school, and get a good job but when you spend your life making others laugh its hard to ignore true talent.  After her mother purchased a comedy class for her and she walked into the building she knew she belonged one place, on the stage. She began to work on her craft, seek mentorship from others in the industry and began making a name for herself in a very short time.  Not taking her gift for granted she quickly learn where she fit in within the industry and held true to it even if that meant having to say no sometimes. Having this mindset she has continued to make strides in her career and only the best is yet to come. _______ Mentioned on the show: Comedians: Heather Jay HerShe The Entertainer _______ Shiftmakers to look out for:   Michele Jones  ______ Connect: IG: