Jon Bowne Politix

JBP40- Jeremy On The Decline Of American Music



YOUTUBE-JBP40- Jeremy On The Decline Of American MusicThe author G. Edward Griffin who wrote the overton window moving classic The Creature from Jekyll Island conducted an interview with Soviet defector, KGB propagandist and possible CIA asset Yuri Bezmenov in 1984. In that interview Bezmenov described four stages of the Marxist takeover which he said that as far back in 1984, that some of those stage had already been accomplished. These stage would essentiall serve as a template for how to penetrate western civilization with Marxist idealogy and gradually implode it from within so that the so called revolutionaries could manipulate the crumbs. One of those stages, the first known as demorilization is a process where marxism is indoctrinated into our culture. Especially the schools. But more importantly, and I think this may be the most overlooked. Is the degradation of our musical culture as a voice of individual freedom, a check on morality, and a creative force that knows no equal within western civilizati