Nysea Sports Talk

Tua, Concussions and NFL Protocols



Like any other night for football fans, Thursday Night Football is a time to sit back, root for your teams, and enjoy the game. A fast-moving, action-packed, adrenaline-filled sport that is fascinating to watch. We watch the game in awe, we connect, and it reminds us of our communities and love of the sport at every stage of our childhood. We know with this violent game comes injuries, we expect them, we hope not to see them, but they are inevitable. Blown ACLs, shoulders, ankles, and sometimes frightening compound fractures. These injuries are obvious and then there are those that are by far the scariest of injuries...Head injuries. Concussions. The dirty little word that football leagues don't want us to talk about. An injury that for years the NFL had lied about. The repercussions of this type of injury, until Dr. Bennet Omalu exposed the NFL and the catastrophic results of these injuries. We know the risk, the players know the risk and so does the NFL.  In this show, Dr. Grant Garcia discusses the in