Junto Show

EP90: Police Disunion



EP90: Police Disunion Thanks for listening to the Junto Show! The “Junto” is a club Benjamin Franklin founded way back when America was Great. The purpose of the Junto was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy.  Our show’s not quite that stuffy, but here and there we stumble upon something profound between the geeky jokes. The Junto Show is three friends, one black, one white, and one Asian who get together and discuss the news of the day, leadership, pop culture, and whatever else comes to mind.  We bring our unique perspectives to the table and hash it all out. Real fans donate! https://www.patreon.com/juntoshow I scoured the archives for Junto show segments we’re we talked about pandemics, and ways to deal with troubling times. Hot Take News (00:09:36) ⁃ We talk about the protests that are taking place in the streets all over the world in the wake of the Murder of George Floyd ⁃ Police Union Contracts is the most tangible problem that can be addressed to improve police