It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 21: How to Face Financial Fears Holding You Back



You’ve thought about being an entrepreneur, yet you have no idea where to start. You already are an entrepreneur, yet the thought of being in charge of your future still excites and terrifies you. The concept of having financial freedom is a vision, yet the reality feels very far away.  You know there are some things holding you back, yet you can't pinpoint exactly what they are. “Being Seen" “Upper Limits” “Internal Belief"... may trigger some emotions, yet you aren't exactly sure what or why. On this episode, I will walk you through these three fears, and the practical steps on how to overcome them. I share examples of my own story so that you know I may relate and help you face fears.  For over 15 years, I struggled with integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears. Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in