It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 20: How Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits



When I was five years old, you could find me either running around doing things outdoors (by myself or with friends), playing with friends, doing things with my parents, and most importantly... Being Fearless... Whether it was being determined to sell the 200+ boxes of Girl Scout cookies (early stages of my entrepreneurship LOL) to get the teddy bear charm I had my eye on, trying something brand new, or making a new friend... I knew absolutely NO FEAR. On this episode, I will more tales from five year old Katrina, as well as currently on how to walk through the Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits framework that will help you integrate what you love and have overcome into a Lifestyle Entrepreneur business model. I share examples of my own story so that you know I may relate and simplify business for you. More importantly, helping you feel more equipped than ever before. For over 15 years, I struggled with integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results pe