It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 13: Build Your Website



How are you building your website? Do you have the right tool? When is the last time you looked at basics to building. In this episode, Build Your Website - we will get into Website Wonder- everything from the basics - to building - and four technology tools that will help you. As entrepreneurs, many have not been exposed to basics, websites, how to's, or technnology.  For many of us, we didn't grow up with an entrepreneurial background, or any teaching whatsoever on this topic. So it is not a surprise that >95% of businesses fail within the first 10 years. There is hope though! With boss insight into tips, tools, and technology of building a website and being a website wonder, you may breakthrough! The more you get clear on the basics, the faster you will get results. There are many distractions vying for our attention. If you do not get clear on where you want to go with your buisness, and treating it like a business, it will be much harder for you. It is time that we BUILD YOUR WEBSITE One of the easiest w