It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 9: Have Fun with Money



Many of us struggle with having fun with money. We often feel like we have to do what we don't love to make it. For many of us, we grew up watching people around us doing what they didn't love to make money.  The world we live in today is very different than what it was 10, 20, 100 years ago.  As the landscape has changed, and entrepreneurship is more accessible than ever, many of us are taking risks far beyond what our parents or those that raised us took. At the same time, because we haven't seen first hand having fun with money, this is a foreign concept to many of us. It is time that we reframe that -  it is possible to do what we love AND MAKE MONEY! One of the easiest ways to Have Fun With Money is to first go back to our favorite childhood activities. It is also important to have a frame of reference that has to do with money with no pressure. On this episode, I will help you Have Fun with Money so that you serve and create a life and business you love. You will explore and experience ways to vibe, ser