It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 8: Face Four Fears Holding You Back



Many of us struggle with facing our fear factors. We often feel like "our minds are playing tricks on us". For some of us, we grew up in a household where there was a lot of fear around security, money, and having enough. Most people grew up seeing their loved ones help others pursue their dreams. As the landscape has changed, and entrepreneurship is more accessible than ever, many of us are taking risks far beyond what our parents or those that raised us took. As a result, our fear factors arise to protect us.  One of the easiest ways to Face Four Fear Factors Holding You Back is to first recognize this is a brain behavior to protect us. It is also important to have both compassion with ourselves, and a no nonsense attitude that we will overcome our fears period.  On this episode, I will help you Face Four Fears Holding You Back so that you create a life and business you love. You will explore and experience the Fear of Failure, Fear of Success, Fear of Regret, Fear of Poverty.  I share examples of my own st