It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 7: How Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits



Many of us struggle with how to create a life we love and how to combine it with creating a business we love. For some of us, this is simple and we were exposed to entrepreneurship at a young age. Most people grew up seeing their loved ones help others puruse their dreams. As the landscape has changed, and entrepreneurship is more accessible than ever, many of us have a lot to learn.  Everything from creating what we love to what platforms to use, to how to market, and how to reach our tribe.  One of the easiest ways to get to How Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits is to first get clear on what we love, what we've overcome and to integrate it step by step into sharing easily and authentically who we are, and into our business model.   On this episode, I will walk you through the Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits framework that will help you integrate what you love and have overcome into a Lifestyle Entrepreneur business model. I share examples of my own story so that you know I may relate and simplify busi