Ccbb: Dr. Bernard Beitman, Md

CCBB: Laurence Browne - The Many Faces of Coincidence



Laurence Brown was born in the UK in 1951 to parents living in the Far East and spent much of my childhood there, though at the age of nine I was sent to boarding school in England. After completing secondary school in 1969 (Radley College, Oxford), I came to Australia where I have lived much of my life since, working mainly as a teacher of English as a second language. I am married with two daughters and live in suburban Brisbane. I enjoy travelling, bushwalking, skiing, and reading widely.As far as my inner life is concerned, I have been interested ever since my early twenties in the possibility of an inner truth and have been a regular meditator since the 1970s. In 2009, feeling at a dead end with teaching, I applied to study full time for a PhD in philosophy at the University of Queensland. My focus has been on coincidences and I was awarded a PhD degree in 2014. The title of the thesis is Examining Coincidences: towards an integrated approach.I am now officially retired and have been fairly painstak